how to make block quotes 16

How to block an estimate

In APA format, block quotes are calculated if the rating contains more than 40 words. In a word document, you can highlight an estimate and see the number of words to see if you need to use a block quote..

How to make block quotes

Once you have placed your quote, remove the entire block of text so that it is 1/2 inch from the left border. A block quote should also have double the space as the rest of your article. At the end of the quote, write the author’s name and page number in parentheses. For example, if you are quoting a long paragraph from the Mental Disorders Diagnostic and Statistics Manual, you should use a block quote. Another example: quoting a paragraph from Charles Dickens’ Great Expectations..

If there are more than 4 lines in a paragraph, use an estimate. Use a block quote for quotes longer than 3-4 lines.

When using the MLA format, you should use a block quote if the material you are quoting is longer than 3 string lines, for example, in a poem. Use a block quote if the text is longer than 4 lines of prose, for example, in a novel. If the block quote contains a secondary quote, use double quotes around the quote contained. If you are dealing with multiple paragraphs of an estimate, subtract an additional 0.25 inches in the following paragraphs. The block quote should be cut at least 0.5 inches from the left border..

Key acquisitions: block quotes

Once you have done all this, you have successfully and accurately added value to your article. Now you can continue writing and have to start in a separate line. If this is a continuation of a paragraph, remember to remove the indentation and continue with the normal border. To format an estimate in MLA, start by introducing an estimate with a short sentence ending in a colon or comma. Then paste the quote into a new row without quotes.

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